Awakening the Illuminated Heart

“Oh my gosh!! This workshop has changed my life for the better in the most profound and deeply meaningful ways for me, that I really can’t express everything in terms everyone can understand. I feel like I finally remember who I am, and most importantly, I now feel prepared to fully continue the ascension process and also help others along their paths to awakening and empowerment.
Iryna is so masterful at what she does, it is unreal. The level of care, love, and preparation she puts into her work with new ATIH students is so apparent and so powerful. I really felt at ease, comfortable, and taken care of more than I have in any other similar setting. Words cannot express the gratitude, love, joy, and privilege I feel towards Iryna and all my fellow spiritual brothers and sisters who accompanied me on the journey through the workshop and beyond. For anyone reading this: what are you waiting for??
Register and attend this workshop!!! You will not be disappointed.”
Fernando, San Antonio, TX
They say when one experiences Universal Love again, there is no way back. And I can definitely state, for me it’s absolutely true! It happened to me more than thirty years ago, and since then I’ve been walking this path and working my way back to Remember.
My biggest excitement and passion is in returning fire of happiness into people’s eyes and hearts, doesn’t matter how broken their past is.
We are born as unlimited Beings. We came to live miraculous experience. It’s time to Remember how to stop experience of limitations and step into our miraculous unlimitedness now using eternal knowledge of the Sacred Heart.
From the birth I experienced everything of what was then a communistic-country living through family, education and culture. I was dealing with many different sides of happy and not very happy lives around me, and it was the best education to prepare me for what I am today: be able to connect dots in the blueprint of the Universe looking into world events.
When I stepped on my path of Remembering, everything that I was needed to support me on this path flew into my life. Everything would be manifested in the needed moment, so I could do what I came here to do – Remember and Reclaim.
I went through many different training, workshops and discoveries. I did my “homework” – read tons of books on the subject, took anatomy and psychology courses at college. I’ve studied spirituality and energy work with many teachers with different knowledge, met many Great Masters of 20th and 21st centuries. All of that to me, were the next stepping stones on the road, pieces of truth. I was looking for an entire picture, a blueprint, a map to Remember All. My first ATIH experience with Drunvalo was an unswer to my search.
Now I’m using my talents to assist others to Remember. My style is observation and my gift is in connecting you with your inner knowing to recognize Ancestral debt patterns, mental beliefs and emotional traumas on your journey of awakening your illuminated heart integrating your rich life experiences into your light body Mer-Ka-Ba.
It has been a lifetime research becoming lifestyle for me. It is not only useful and effective, but big fun and an exciting adventure of “creating out of nothing!”, and living your life in a way you consciously choose to live.
During this five-day workshop you will learn how to and have direct experience with the following:

- Remember and experience your connection to Mother-Earth and Father-Sky through Unity Breath Meditation;
- Receive knowledge and practical tools on how to close karmic debt by working with Ancestors and how to receive assistance from them on your life journey;
- How to open your Heart and enter the Sacred Space and Tiny Space of the Heart;
- Remember your connection to You-Higher Self and how to receive all answers directly from this connection about how to live a happy and successful life from your Heart;

- Experience Universal Love Sound Healing Ceremony with Angels and Archangels;
- Create a deeper connection to the Heart through the Sufi Blessing Dance Meditation,
- Remember your essence through Dancing in the Dark Meditation;
- Experience the feminine aspect of this knowledge during the meditations of The Blue School of Claudette Melchizedek;

- See the difference between living from Love versus from fear, creating from the heart versus from the brain;
- Activate the Beams of Light through ancient method; Open the 3rd eye;
- Firing the Halo around your head reconnecting your brain to the Heart and remember how to create from the Tiny Space of your Heart;
- Naturally activate your Light Body – the Mer-Ka-Ba – which will become permanent;

Thank you for your desire to come and remember this profound knowledge. When we all awaken into our illuminated Heart, we live once again in the state of unconditional Love and know that Love is all there is.
For more information or to Register please visit my page at The School of Remembering
Please contact me for more options of ATIH experience with all practices and meditations at if you have difficulties with traveling
or you would like to schedule your personal or group workshop.